
Friday, November 2, 2007

Getting Past Your Mid-life Crisis through the "Dreams to Action" List

During the past month, I've talked to a number of people who shared with me their trials and tribulations in life. I'm talking about divorce, child custody battles, layoffs, career changes, money problems, and a host of other hardships that are taking their toll on these good people. They all want to know, "what should I do?"

There's no simple answer that will fix all of life's problems. But, there are three questions I encourage people to ask themselves whenever they are up against a wall. Here they are:

1. What's the worst possible thing that can happen to you if "X" occurs?
2. If "X" occurs, what would you do then?
3. Is there something you have always wanted to do with your life but you were too afraid to "make that leap" because something or someone was holding you back? Could this be the right time to pursue your dream?

Throughout history, ordinary people have achieved extraordinary things when they were faced with a "do or die" situation. People like Churchill, Mother Teresa, and Gandhi, to name but a few. They overcame their challenges and achieved great things. So can you! There's a wonderful expression that goes, "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

Now, you might say, "Well, I have a dream. I'd like to be an author or classical pianist, but I haven't developed the skills to achieve my dream." I would tell you that is "Scarcity Thinking." Change how you think. As my friend Jim Cathcart, one of America's most successful speakers and authors, who is renown for Relationship Selling and personal development suggests, "If you spend one hour a day for five years, you will be an expert in anything!" I agree. In fact, it might not even take that long. But, the sooner you begin the journey, the sooner you will achieve your dream and live the life you want.

Let me give you one more example. This morning, I was shopping at the neighborhood grocery store, when I spotted an older gentleman who was a member at my health club. He has been going there for about 16 months. When he first started coming to the club, he was in bad shape. He had trouble walking. He had suffered a debilitating stroke or medical setback. But, this morning, I almost didn't recognize him because he was walking upright, albeit slowly, but without the assistance of a walker or his wife, who usually accompanies him to the health club. I hadn't been there for a month due to my travel schedule, so I paused and said to him, "Wow, you look great. You've really made progress!" He smiled and said, "I just take it one day at a time."

One day at a time. What a great attitude! Someone once said that "God doles out life in increments we can handle." We get 24 hours in a day; sixty minutes in an hour; and, sixty seconds in every minute. So, my question is "what are you doing this very minute to get your life back on track and inch closer to your dream?"

No one else is going to live your life for you. No one else can get you through your mid-life crisis or current setback. Only you can do that. So, once your tears have dried and you catch your breath, go over to the kitchen table and begin your "Dreams to Action" List. Just write down the one thing you will do today (even if it's 10:30 pm and you're tired!) that will move you closer to your dream. Then do it... now! Put a check by that item before you go to bed. This is a very important step (writing it down) to achieving your dream.

Tomorrow morning when you wake-up, write down one more thing you will do that will move you closer to your dream; and then, act on it sometime before you go to bed. Be sure to carry your "Dreams to Action" list with you; and, look at it during the day to remind you to get it done.

This simple step will make a tremendous difference in your life and will help you achieve your dreams.

So, what are you waiting for?
Get over to that kitchen table or computer desk and start writing your "Dreams to Action" List!

And please, drop me an email at and let me know how it's going!

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