
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

How to Use the Power of Presence to Live a Meaningful Life

In a recent interview, one of America's most respected Life Coaches, Chess Edwards said, "Everyone has a life purpose. the challenge is to discover it and live it."

I think that's great advice. The question is how? One way, according to Chess Edwards, is to be present -- to focus on this moment and enjoy the experience of now

Edwards says, "There is great power and pleasure in being present in the moment. Consider this: You know those people, who as soon as you meet them, they instill an instant sense of trust? Why is that?

"The reason is that they trust themselves. They show-up fully present to the moment, and you know that their minds aren’t spinning a million miles a minute calculating how to “get what they want” or “sell you what they’ve got,” or worrying if you’re going to like them or not. They already like themselves and they aren’t seeking approval from others.

"It’s almost like you’re meeting a Zen master or wise teacher, except they’re dressed just like you and don’t seem to reek of incense and lotus blossoms. They are your mechanic, the grocery store clerk, your dry cleaner, your professor, your next door neighbor, and your friend.

"When you’re around these people, you can feel the peace that they are experiencing within themselves. People want to be near them. People want them on their team. People feel safe around them. This is because they feel safe within themselves.

"What is happening is that they have learned to be at peace with themselves and that deep peace has given them a rock solid foundation that allows them to fully engage without the distractions of fear, doubt and uncertainty; and, act with great clarity and confidence in everything that they do and truly connect with everyone they meet. It isn’t that they don’t sometimes experience fear, but they aren’t ruled by it.

"They have learned how to cultivate a state of presence that they carry with them everywhere. It is their home. They have found their home and are no longer seeking it from the world around them. The world around them simply reflects their internal abundance of strength, peace compassion.

"We all have the capacity to create such foundations of balance, strength and integrity which translate into more joyful and powerful living under all conditions and in all circumstances.
Cultivating this Power of Presence takes practice and discipline. It takes some serious rewiring of old thought patterns and the willingness to let go of old habits and beliefs. It takes learning how to be mindful while establishing a more honest and courageous relationship with ourselves, our true-selves."

The Power of Presence is the ability to bring the power of our stillness, stability and integrity from the privacy of our personal practices into every active moment of our lives. Mindfulness in Action is being able to stay steady, present and powerfully connected no matter what the condition of the world around us.

As a result of understanding and learning The Power of Presence, you will be able to:
  • Learn the art of being genuinely present in every moment where you access the peace, strength and joy that naturally resides within you.
  • Liberate yourself through conscious and empowered choices rather than being victim to unconscious and conditioned reactions.
  • Greatly reduce unnecessary drama and struggle in your life and the lives of those you impact.
  • Dissolve blocks that keep you from living the full and abundant life that you’re meant to live.  Strengthen the foundations of emotional maturity and well-being upon which joyful and powerful lives are built.
The Power of Presence can transform your life.  Hey, it's your time!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Ways to Create More Happiness in Your Life!

Sometimes it’s tough being happy. It doesn’t take much to put us in a sour mood. When the world gets you down and you’re having a bad day at work, or your home scene gets frustrating, here are five ways to create more happiness in your life. According to America’s Happiness Expert, Barbara Yager, Step One is to change your Environment. If you’re in a pressure-cooker environment at home or work, step outside for a quick walk around the block. Clear your head and create a neutral or positive environment.

Step Two is to reflect on your strengths. Yager says this is your personal power pack. Your strengths are your skills and abilities that no one else possesses — only you! So, think about them and remember, that you have special powers that can change your mood and your life for the better. Turn on your power pack!

Step Three is get to work doing the things you love to do. What do you have a passion for. If it’s not your day job, then find something you can get passionate about. I met a person yesterday who is passionate about volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club two nights a week. She loves being with the kids and guiding them through their challenges. Another fellow I met named Christopher loves to clear the brush and trash off a nearby hiking trail on Saturday mornings. So, whatever your passion is, follow it.

Step Four is to create Autononomy. Happiness expert Barbara Yager reminds us that everyone lives by certain rules. Some rules make sense to us and others we follow just because those are the rules we have always followed. For example, when the light turns red, you stop your car. But, those rules that are found in our personal rule book, can be changed by you. For example, I met a 50 year-old man who told me he hated going to church on Sunday. I asked him why he went to church if he hated it so much. He replied, “Oh, I’ve been going since I was old enough to walk.” I suggested he find another way to achieve spiritual satisfaction — something he enjoyed doing. In other words, re-write your rule book! Yager says, “When we know what rules we need to live by in order to lead a successful life, life is easier to live and we’re happier.” She’s right, of course!

Step Five is to create Relationships. We all need someone to love and love us back. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a person. It could be your dog or cat. But, according to Barbara Yager, we need relationships because they are the foundation to feeling happy and content in life. Perhaps this explains why so many single people have pets! Yager also says work relationships are very important. We need someone at work we can talk to when times get tough. So, start making friends by expanding your social circles. Gary Plantz once said, “Make friends before you need them!” Now, that’s good advice.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How to Create a Real Economic Recovery

Despite a record-setting stock market and stronger job growth, most Americans don't think the economy has improved in the past year, according to a recent survey released by Rutgers University researchers. In fact, a significant number of Americans continue to struggle to break-even from the Great Recession, which according to the experts, ended in 2012.

The Rutgers survey reveals a stressed-out work force that is likely to spend money only cautiously, keeping a lid on economic growth.

What do you think: Has the economy improved this year?
The Rutgers report is titled "Unhappy, Worried and Pessimistic: Americans in the Aftermath of the Great Recession." Among the findings:

• Two-thirds of Americans think the economy is the same or worse than it was a year ago, and 73%  don't expect it to improve in the next year.
• 33% think changes in their standard of living caused by the housing bubble's collapse and the recession that followed will be permanent.
• 78% has little or no confidence that the federal government can help.
• Only one in seven believe the average American is happy at work.

Consider the negative responses to this key question:
How do you describe Americans at work?

Happy: 14%
Well Paid: 18% 
Lazy: 23%
Productive: 43%
Highly Stressed: 68%
Not secure in their jobs: 70%
Source: John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University

Is there a solution to improving workers' attitude? 
Yes, of course. In fact, it's so simple, it's embarrassing that our elected officials and corporate leaders haven't implemented it. But, that's what happens when greed and selfish interests dominate one's agenda.

Over the past seven years, I've seen a noticeable decrease in the amount of training managers receive on "relationship building."  It seems the emphasis on executive training is almost exclusively on productivity, cost reductions, and revenue generation. These are important areas, no doubt. But, my question is this: At what expense? I'm referring to pushing the envelope to the point where your employees become disenfranchised, demotivated and disengaged.  Management can only ask so much before the workforce starts asking for something in return -- like their fair share.

So, here are three steps to get America moving in the right direction and improving the attitudes and productivity of your employees, your greatest asset:

First, companies need to genuinely engage their employees in the process of work. Employees want to do a good job and be rewarded -- both financially and emotionally, for a job well done. So, management needs to institute an Employee Engagement initiative similar to those used at Genentech, Google, Edward Jones, Navy Federal Credit Union and Wegmans Food Markets. These companies treat their employees with respect and encourage them to offer ideas to improve every aspect of the business. It's not rocket science, but it does take a management style that focuses as much on people as it does on profits.

Secondly, employees need to have life balance. I never liked the term "work-life balance" because work is part of life. In fact, it's a major part of life. But, there's more to life than just your job. Every manager or CEO I've ever talked to on this topic, agrees that Life Balance is important for the health and growth of their organization. A tired, burned-out, over-stressed employee is of little value to your organization. Take better care of your people because they are your company's greatest asset.

Finally, it's time for companies to review their compensation plans and increase salaries and wages in line with what your employees should be earning for their work.  Management has both a moral obligation and a common sense responsibility to do so. Let me make the case.

If you are one of the companies that employs minimum wage earners, I would strongly encourage you to provide an immediate wage increase to $10.50 per hour for those 24% of Americans who rely solely on minimum wage jobs for their income. 

Now, before you breathe a deep sigh and start moaning, let me ask you a simple question: Could you live on the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, or $15,080 annually? I doubt it!  So, how do you expect your minimum wage employees who earn between  $7.25 - $8.50 (or $15,080 - $17,680 annually) to make ends meet?  The fact is they can't. So, what's the option. They get a second job. Is that the kind of person you want showing up to make your hamburgers or widgets? I don't think so.

I can tell you from 25 years of experience working with companies to build dynamic teams and high energy workplaces that when an employee is working two jobs, you do not get the best effort from that individual. What you get is someone who is tired, over-stressed and just showing-up for the paycheck. The moral of the story is simple. You get what you pay for. If you expect more from your people, give them more.

If America is the land of opportunity, let starting giving people an opportunity. And, by the way, at $10.50 per hour, your minimum wage employees are earning a whopping $21,840. Frankly, that's still chicken feed!  Why not do the right thing and be the leader you want everyone to think you are. Stop spouting that tired, outdated, anti-employee chamber of commerce rhetoric about how a minimum wage increase will hurt your profits and raise your costs. Are you that inept as a CEO or manager that you can't figure out how to pay your people what they're worth? If so, you should relinquish your position to someone who has imagination, drive and a heart.  Start treating your people like you want them to treat your customers! It's pretty simple.

I like to remind executives and managers of my favorite expression: "Facts are friendly. They're sometimes harsh, but always fair."  So, here are the facts. If you want to stimulate your company's sales and profit, start by doing the right thing and put a few more dollars in the pockets of those American workers who buy your goods and services. I can assure you the American pie is big enough to feed everyone. If you doubt that, you shouldn't be in business.