
Thursday, September 11, 2014

5 Ways to Create More Happiness in Your Life!

Sometimes it’s tough being happy. It doesn’t take much to put us in a sour mood. When the world gets you down and you’re having a bad day at work, or your home scene gets frustrating, here are five ways to create more happiness in your life. According to America’s Happiness Expert, Barbara Yager, Step One is to change your Environment. If you’re in a pressure-cooker environment at home or work, step outside for a quick walk around the block. Clear your head and create a neutral or positive environment.

Step Two is to reflect on your strengths. Yager says this is your personal power pack. Your strengths are your skills and abilities that no one else possesses — only you! So, think about them and remember, that you have special powers that can change your mood and your life for the better. Turn on your power pack!

Step Three is get to work doing the things you love to do. What do you have a passion for. If it’s not your day job, then find something you can get passionate about. I met a person yesterday who is passionate about volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club two nights a week. She loves being with the kids and guiding them through their challenges. Another fellow I met named Christopher loves to clear the brush and trash off a nearby hiking trail on Saturday mornings. So, whatever your passion is, follow it.

Step Four is to create Autononomy. Happiness expert Barbara Yager reminds us that everyone lives by certain rules. Some rules make sense to us and others we follow just because those are the rules we have always followed. For example, when the light turns red, you stop your car. But, those rules that are found in our personal rule book, can be changed by you. For example, I met a 50 year-old man who told me he hated going to church on Sunday. I asked him why he went to church if he hated it so much. He replied, “Oh, I’ve been going since I was old enough to walk.” I suggested he find another way to achieve spiritual satisfaction — something he enjoyed doing. In other words, re-write your rule book! Yager says, “When we know what rules we need to live by in order to lead a successful life, life is easier to live and we’re happier.” She’s right, of course!

Step Five is to create Relationships. We all need someone to love and love us back. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a person. It could be your dog or cat. But, according to Barbara Yager, we need relationships because they are the foundation to feeling happy and content in life. Perhaps this explains why so many single people have pets! Yager also says work relationships are very important. We need someone at work we can talk to when times get tough. So, start making friends by expanding your social circles. Gary Plantz once said, “Make friends before you need them!” Now, that’s good advice.

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