
Monday, January 21, 2008

How to Get Better Results in Your Life

by Tom Hinton

Seven years ago, I began my work day like most people. I woke-up to an alarm clock, showered, dressed, ate a fast breakfast, and made a mad dash to my office to beat the morning traffic. Once I arrived at work, my day was consumed with emails, phone calls, and everybody else’s “to do” list. On most days, I had to stay late just to get my assignments completed. Life wasn’t much fun so I made some major changes.

In 2001, while waiting to address a business conference, I heard another speaker tell the audience, “To succeed in business, you need to transform yourself. Then you can change your business from the inside out.” That thought stuck with me and, after a few weeks, I began to ask myself, “How do I transform myself?”

I stumbled upon a simple, but effective, three-step process that I’ll share with you so you can start getting better results in your life.

1. Ask Yourself What Works and What Doesn’t Work in Your Life?
If you’re really honest with yourself, this can be a very powerful question that sets you free and lifts some burdens off your shoulders. In examining my own life, I discovered several things that weren’t working for me. For example, I did not enjoy managing people. Once I set confronted my ego, I realized that while I’m a good manager as well as a fair and considerate boss, I did not excel at administrative duties, solving human resource issues, and hiring/firing people. Others, who were trained in this area, could do a much better job than me. I also came to the realization that when I spent my time writing, speaking, and creating new products and services for our company, our revenue jumped. So, I transitioned out of the administrative role and hired a capable person who could perform all those functions much better than me -- and, she enjoys doing the work! Now, I’m free and I don’t have to get involved in the day-to-day administrative corporate issues.

2. Devote Your Time to Doing Those Things You Love to Do.
I’m sure you’ve heard the old expression that “the best work in life is doing those things you love so much you’d do them for free; except, you’re good enough to get paid for doing it!” If you are not engaged in fulfilling work that you truly enjoy, begin today to make the transition into something that excites you and keeps you mentally and physically healthy. It’s a sad commentary on our society that fewer than 20 percent of working people love their job. How unfortunate. Consider all the human talent that is being squandered because people are working at jobs that really don’t like. How much more productive could we be if we just quit and started doing something that we felt passionate about? Imagine how much happier the world would be!

I have a good friend who told me, “Life is too short to waste your days doing something that you really don’t want to do.” My friend’s statement pushed me to take action and start doing the things I love to do. When I share this statement with my workshop participants, several people respond by telling me, “I can’t just quit my job. I need the income!” Others react by asking me, “Well, what would I do? Where would I live?” While these are valid questions and concerns, I believe they are the ego’s way of holding you back. Our egos only operate out of fear and love. Our ego isn’t interested in the here-and-now; it’s only interested in the past and the future because that’s how our egos control our behavior and actions.

However, if you listen to your Inner Spirit and allow yourself to transform your dreams from wishes to reality, you will find a way to start living your dreams. But, you must first let go of your old ways and habits. Your old habits and predictable life patterns are holding you back from discovering new possibilities.

Some of the best advice I ever got was from a coach who told me -- when I asked him whether or not I should accept a new job -- he asked me, “What’s the worst thing that could happen to you if you accepted the new job?” When I told him that “getting fired after two months would be the worst thing that could happen,” he then asked me, “If that happened -- if you got fired after two months -- what would you do about it?” I thought about his question and replied, “I’d go get a new job!” He just nodded and asked me, “So, what’s all the fuss about? Go for it!” I did and everything worked out just fine. I realized my ego was trying to hold me back by using fear and uncertainty to keep me in my current job. Fortunately, I listened to my Inner Spirit’s counsel and made the move to a new career path. And, all was well.

3. Have the Courage to Take a Few Risks in Life.
This leads me to the third step, taking risks. There’s a delightful new book series entitled, 1,000 Things to Do Before You Die. It’s about taking control of your life and visiting places around the world, doing exciting things, and living a life worth remembering. But, of course, first you need to be motivated or inspired to take action.

I understand you might be the kind of person who needs to summon up the courage to get off your sofa and venture outside into the unknown. That’s okay because most people are just like you. But, if you never take any risks, you’ll never know what it was like to really live! I’m not suggesting that you should bungee jump off the Golden Gate Bridge, but, you might want to actually go someplace other than sit at home or drive 200 miles to your sister-in-law's house on your next vacation! You might think about taking a cruise or visiting a national park, or treating yourself to a weekend spa experience. I guarantee you’ll never be the same! As Albert Einstein said, “Once your mind is stretched, it will never return to its original dimension.”

Oh yeah - one other thing. For those of you who are tightwads and don’t want to spend any money on yourself -- well, just remember this. You may as well live a little because you can’t take it with you!

About the Author: Tom Hinton is the author of 10,000 Days: Finding Purpose, Peace, and Passion for the Rest of Your Life. Tom is a dynamic and inspirational speaker who helps his clients achieve personal growth and life balance. He can be reached at

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