At a recent workshop I conducted on The Course of 10,000 Days™, one participant asked me, “What is life’s most difficult question?” This is a topic I’ve been studying and teaching for more than twenty years. As people reach their mid-forties, they begin to ask themselves serious questions about their higher purpose and what it takes to achieve their life goals. Certainly, these questions are more than just a passing phase for aging Baby Boomers.
I’ve concluded there are actually two questions that are the most difficult for people to answer. I say this because it’s important to understand that human beings have two dimensions -- a physical dimension and a spiritual dimension. Thus, there are two most difficult questions to answer -- one for each realm of our existence, physical and spiritual.
To answer the first of life’s most difficult questions, we should start in the physical realm because it is through our physical dimension that our spiritual essence is revealed. From a physical perspective, life’s most difficult question is this: How do I become the person I want to be?
In The Course of 10,000 Days™ we teach people that there are three steps to achieving our human potential and becoming the person we want to be. The first step is Acceptance of Self. In other words, embrace who I am. In the beginning, we were conceived in perfection and born into this world with unique attributes and talents. Our challenge is to discover those talents and develop them. Too many people trudge through life without ever discovering their greatness. Instead, they focus on their limitations and allow their weaknesses to hold them down. The principle of Acceptance of Self gets us out of the rut of self-pity and moves us into action by conducting a thorough self-assessment of our strengths and talents. I have found that once people begin to understand their strengths and explore their talents, they can climb out of the ruts and get on the path to achieving their life goals - one step at a time.
The second step is Life Focus. A good portion of The Course of 10,000 Days™ retreat is devoted to helping people identify their goals and dreams, and then developing a written plan of action to achieve them. During The Course™ retreat, attendees form groups of five-to-six people known as “B-HAGs” (an acronym for Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal-setters). This process includes setting written personal and professional goals as well as weekly conference calls lasting 45-minutes to review each participant’s goals and progress towards their goals. B-HAGs also use visual aids such as Dream Boards and complete a comprehensive 90-day review session with our instructors. In this way, people create a “no-excuse” environment and force themselves to stay focused on achieving their goals. Frankly, it’s hard work to change behavior and achieve our dreams. But, for those who follow the process, I can tell you it is very rewarding!
Also, you need to ACT! This is an acronym that translates as follows: “A” is for Accept Your Gifts. We are who we are. Each person has talents and gifts bestowed upon them at birth and developed knowingly or unknowingly over their lifetime. The secret is to discover your gifts and talents. Then, begin to use them to achieve your goals and live your dreams. Incidentally, all gifts and talents are positive and loving. In other words, being a jewel thief or a skilled liar are not gifts. These are abuses of one’s undeveloped talents.
The “C” represents Commit to Your Goals. We all know people who are talented, but for some strange reason they never seem to achieve their dreams or goals. Years ago, I recall meeting a gentleman who had a great idea for a software program to help accountants and others manage their bookkeeping chores. A few years went by and when we met again we revisited our earlier discussion about software programs. By this time, Quicken and other financial accounting software programs had been introduced to the marketplace. He reminded me that he had thought of this concept years ago, but never acted. In other words, he lacked commitment. He was a brilliant person, but he never put his ideas into a formal plan of action and committed himself to doing it. Eventually, that brilliant idea floated away and landed in the lap of another person who reaped the benefits because they were committed.
The “T” in our ACT Formula represents Take Decisive Action. Simply translated, this means that every day you must do something decisive that moves you closer to success. I’ve met dozens of people who tell me they have a great idea for a book. I always respond by saying, “That’s great. Tell me, what are you doing today to make your book idea a reality?” More often than not, the answer is nothing. It may be a great idea, but without decisive action that book will never get written -- at least by that aspiring author! You need to sit down and write a page a day in order to translate your idea into a book.
It’s hard to focus on our spiritual essence when our physical needs are not being met. This is why The Course of 10,000 Days™ emphasizes the importance of life balance in the three major areas of our physical dimension. They are: Self, Health, and Wealth. Once these needs are identified and your attention is focused on your intentions, you can begin to answer the second of life’s most important questions:
How do I achieve my higher purpose?
As The Course of 10,000 Days™ teaches us, we all have the same higher purpose in this lifetime. But, because we are uniquely different and possess special talents and the gift of free will, we pursue our higher purpose in many different ways. The end result is that some of us discover our higher purpose while others live a life of quiet desperation. Why is that?
The primary reason is analogous to the children’s story of the Three Little Pigs. You cannot build your life on straw principles and muddy routines and expect them to withstand the torrential threat of negativity, disappointment, and hardships. Life requires us to build our physical and spiritual temples of solid brick or stone so that we can overcome the periodic threats and storms that come our way. This means that our principles must be tried and tested. We must believe in ourselves so that we can overcome those moments of doubt when they come along. What The Course of 10,000 Days™ helped me discover was how to build a solid foundation so that I was strong enough to withstand the daily barrage of life’s challenges, negative news, and those unpleasant people who feel compelled to step on my sand castles. The Course™ also taught me how to discover purpose, peace, and passion in my life -- which are the keys to unlocking the gate of your spiritual dimension. Without discovering inner peace and your passion in life, it is impossible to find your higher purpose.
So, after much reflection and discussion, I believe these are life’s most difficult questions. The quest to discovering your higher purpose and then living it can be a rewarding one. But, it will require you to do all the things I’ve shared in this article.
If you’re looking for a positive resource to help you on your journey, I encourage you to consider The Course of 10,000 Days™ and the various programs offered by The 10,000 Days Foundation.
About the Author: Tom Hinton is president of The 10,000 Days Foundation. He is the author of four books including 10,000 Days: The Secret to Finding Purpose, Peace, and Passion for the Rest of Your Life. Tom is also a popular speaker at various conferences and meetings. For more information, please email: